Leaders of Singapore

von Melanie Chew


Singapore is a unique city-state, an economic miracle, a political phenomenon. Many marvel at her very existence. How did Singapore survive? Who built this country? What is the secret of her success?

Leaders of Singapore is a fascinating account of the history and development of Singapore from 1945 to 1995, narrated in personal, forthright terms by her most prominent citizens. In a series of remarkable and revealing interviews, Singapore's most famous, most powerful and wealthiest men and women reveal the mysteries and intrigues of the past, describe the triumphs and tragedies which shaped their lives, and share their strategies for success and achievement.

This is a pioneering work. It goes beyond any other work in exploring and explaining, through the voices of her people, the source of Singapore's achievements: the Leaders of Singapore and their relentless, uncompromising and often brutal fight for survival.

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