Mediumship and the Flow of Grace: Messages From Paul

von Jessica Bryan


This book of channeled messages comes to us from beyond the veil, from the fifth dimension, from the other side however you choose to think of the non-physical reality we will all experience when we return to our true home. Dictated by the Spirit Being known simply as Paul, during clairvoyant communication with the author in her role as a medium, Paul s Messages cover a wide variety of metaphysical and practical topics: automatic writing, bio-magnetic healing, food as medicine, cleansing the aura, spirit guides, healing trauma and illness with energy and prayer, astral travel and long-distance healing, opening the Third Eye, reincarnation and past lives, ghosts, energy cords, and life purpose. Paul s Messages offer healing for the ailing, clarity for the conflicted, comfort for the grieving, and guidance for us all. [Excerpt] Message from Paul: Focus on the wider view as you meditate and explore the vast universe that lies inside of you. Imagine you are in a beautiful garden and you are picking fragrant flowers made only of scintillating golden light. As you pick them, sing to yourself, I am a holy child of God, beloved of the One who made me. More From Paul: While you are still on the earth plane, remember to enjoy yourself. Don t be too serious. You will see your loved ones again after you cross over because we are all born into life after life with those we love and we are also together between lives in the City of the Lord. No one is ever lost to another. Everything will be lighter, different, when you are no longer constrained by the dense vibrations of physical matter. You will think of someplace and then you ll just be there, so don t be in a hurry to get dense again.

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