Nächte unterm Venusmond. Die bisher unveröffentlichten Tagebücher

Tagebuch von Anais Nin


Nearer the Moon: From a Journal of Love is a 1996 book based upon material excerpted from the unpublished diaries of Anaïs Nin. It corresponds temporally to part of Nin's published diaries. It consists mainly of material that was left out of the published version because it would have hurt people involved or their relationships with Anaïs Nin had it been published at the time.
The book displays the range of Nin's moods and emotions. She avoided re-writing or writing long afterward, when possible, in order to preserve the truth about how she felt at the time of each entry. As the diaries go on, they become more poetical or stream of consciousness, as opposed to objective. She is sometimes very explicit about her sexual activity and how she feels about it. The sources of some of her erotic stories can be recognized here. Generally the bazaar Latin American settings for some of her stories were first written down here, as told her by Gonzalo Moré and his wife Helba. The contrasts between her various emotional and sexual relationships as well as the fluctuations in each are very striking and clear.



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