Praying God's Promises For Your Husband

von Jack Countryman


Multiple best-sellers have tapped into a renewed interest in prayer--particularly praying the scriptures.

Praying God's Promises for Your Husband is a tool for praying God's Word. This handy pocket-size or purse-size book provides convenient categories of promises appropriate for a wide variety of needs and times in life.

As in the other two books, Praying God's Promises for Your Children and Praying God's Promises for Your Grandchildren, this book also includes pages for personalized prayers for your husband.

In 2003, J.Countryman celebrated its 20th anniversary and the 11 million lives touched by the God's Promises line. Holding steadfast to the company's mission, Touching Lives…Changing Lives, the God's Promises line continues to be the anchor of the J. Countryman brand.

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