Seetee Ship

Science-Fiction von Jack Williamson


Seetee Ship is the second of two science fiction novels by Jack Williamson, writing under the pseudonym Will Stewart. It is a fix-up adapting two stories previously published in Astounding Science Fiction magazine, "Minus Sign" and "Opposites—React!".
Seetee Ship was released in 1951 by Gnome Press in an edition of 4,000 copies. Though Seetee Shock was the first of the Seetee novels to be published in book form, it is set in a later period than Seetee Ship.
Williamson's Seetee series is set in a future where space-dwelling miners attempt to harvest asteroids composed of CT or "contraterrene" matter which today would be called antimatter. In "Minus Sign," from which the first part of the book was adapted, spatial engineer Rick Drake continues his father’s quest to tame seetee, but becomes entangled in the interplanetary politics of energy shortage. The second part of the book is adapted from "Opposites—React!" in which a contraterrene alien artifact is discovered, and competing parties race to reach it and learn its secrets.
The first story in the Seetee series, "Collision Orbit", was not collected in either of the Gnome Press books.



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