Social Psychology, Media and Research Update

von Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Tim Wilson


Engaging, integrative, and scientific, this #1-rated book on social psychology uses a story-telling approach to convey the science of social psychology in a fascinating, memorable, and completely entertaining manner. Successfully capturing the excitement of social psychology, it helps readers understand the whole context of the field—how theories inspire research, why research is performed as it is, and how further research triggers new avenues of study—and how all of this impacts their everyday lives. Vignettes and “mini” stories within every chapter include detailed descriptions of classic and modern experiments, and describe an example of a real-life phenomenon designed specifically. Chapter topics cover methodology, social perception, self-knowledge, self-justification, attitudes, conformity, group processes, interpersonal attraction, prosocial behavior, aggression, and prejudice. For individuals interested in the field of social psychology.

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