Stillpower: The Inner Source of Athletic Excellence

von Garret Kramer


Fuel your performance, and life, with the clarity of Stillpower

For years, athletes, coaches, parents, and organizations have search for the secrets to optimum mental performance. Today, however, in spite of a myriad of tools, techniques, and theoretical models, consistent success and contentment are as elusive as ever. We see young athletes pushed so hard that 70 percent quit organized sports by the age of thirteen. Every day a high school, collegiate, or pro athlete makes headlines for his or her errant behavior--not to mention, talented and industrious players repeatedly failing to deliver in ''clutch'' moments.

While many insist that athletics is a great way to learn life lessons and expand life skills, this development is not taking place. Now, in Stillpower, Garret Kramer provides a revolutionary simple explanation and understanding. In a fluent and readable manner, Kramer reveals the innate principles behind consistent performance and success. And he highlights the misalignment between the experiences of athletes and the strategies of the coaches, psychologists, and performance experts who are trying to help them. Stillpower uses real-life examples to explore such questions as: What is ''the zone'' and what must we do (or not do) to get there? Why does an athlete need to understand the difference between insight and intellect? Is goal setting really useful? Why doesn't willpower work? Why do the best mentors focus on a person's state of mind and not behavior? What is the connection between the qualities of compassion, competitiveness, and resiliency, and one's thoughts and level of well-being?

Virtually all of us--athletes and nonathletes alike--are looking outside of ourselves, hoping to un-lock the keys to happiness and success. In Stillpower, Kramer encourages us to look within to finally find the answers.

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