The "Times" a Century in Photographs: Travel, 1900-2000 (Photography)

von Mark Griffiths, Times UK


The 20th century saw more changes than any other period in history, and not least in the areas of transportation and travel. "Travel: A Century in Photographs" records the advances - both technological and social - that occurred during the last 100 years. Each year of the century is represented in a single indelible image, chosen for the story it tells. Compiled from the archives of "The Times" and the Hulton Getty Picture Library, each picture has an explanatory caption that highlights its relevance to the time. The book shows how momentous events, such as two world wars, affected travelers and the transportation industry; it also shows how private transportation and foreign travel, once a privilege of the upper classes, became a pleasure to be enioyed by all. An outstanding collection of photos that reveals both the humor and the tragedies of our 20th-century passion for travel.

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