The Dark Heart
A chilling true crime story of poisonous family secrets, love gone wrong, and a cold case that refused to stay buried...
In late summer of 2012, millionaire landowner Göran Lundblad went missing from his farm in Sweden. When a search yielded nothing, and all physical evidence had seemingly disappeared, authorities had little to go on--except a disturbing phone call five weeks later from Göran's daughter Maria. She was sure that her sister, Sara, was somehow involved. At the heart of the alleged crime: Sara's greed, her father's land holdings, and his bitter feud with Sara's idler boyfriend.
With no body, there was no crime--and the case went as cold and dark as the forests of southern Sweden. But not for Therese Tang. For two years, this case was her obsession.
A hard-working ex-model, mother of three, and Missing People investigator, Therese was willing to put her own safety at risk in order to uncover the truth. What she found was a nest of depraved secrets, lies, and betrayal. All she had to do now, in her relentless and dangerous pursuit of justice, was prove that it led to murder.
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