The Glass Sentence

von S. E. Grove


Wholly original and marvelous beyond compare -Kirkus Reviews starred review Boston 1891 Sophia Tims comes from a family of explorers and cartologers who for generations have been traveling and mapping the New World-a world changed by the Great Disruption of 1799 when all the continents were flung into different time periods Eight years ago her parents left her with her uncle Shadrack the foremost cartologer in Boston and went on an urgent mission They never returned Life with her brilliant absent-minded adored uncle has taught Sophia to take care of herself Then Shadrack is kidnapped And Sophia who has rarely been outside of Boston is the only one who can search for him Together with Theo a refugee from the West she travels over rough terrain and uncharted ocean encounters pirates and traders and relies on a combination of Shadracks maps common sense and her own slantwise powers of observation But even as Sophia and Theo try to save Shadracks life they are in danger of losing their own The Glass Sentence plunges readers into a time and place they will not want to leave and introduces them to a heroine and hero they will take to their hearts

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