How can we follow in the footsteps of Mary and her protector, Joseph of Arimathea, and honour the ancient landscape? Under guidance of the guardians of the land - Merlin and his Druids - Megan Wingfield here charts a journey across the spiritual and physical landscape of Wales and surrounding areas of Britain. Her discovery is the Pathway of the Beloved, Merlin's Way, an energy line stretching from the Scilly Isles through Wales to Whitby, Yorkshire. This is a Grail journey, certainly, but it is also an acknowledgment that the land itself is a living entity: the stages of the journey are along its chakras. Touching upon such diverse subjects as the Egyptian mystery schools, the Synod of Whitby and the earliest goddesses of the Celts and of Atlantis, the Grail journey explores the impact that the mind of man - the unbalancing and rebalancing of the masculine and feminine energies - has had upon the land, and offers us an understanding of how to aid this balance.
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