The Half-Made World

Steampunk von Felix Gilman


The Half-Made World is a 2010 steampunk fantasy novel by Felix Gilman. It is set in an alternate version of the American Wild West where the far west reaches of the world are untamed and still being created. It tells the story of Liv Alverhuysen, a female psychologist who sets off on an adventure to heal the mad and John Creedmoor, an Agent of the Gun who is goaded into obedience to his master's orders, despite his growing disdain for them. The novel pits two rival factions against one another as they each hunt for a way to end the everlasting war between them. The Line is industrial, with technological weapons and trains that speed by so quickly the countryside is barely seen, and take over towns and make their citizens slaves at their whim. The Gun are made up of thieves and murderers, and keep hold of the people by fear and violence, but they are losing the war against the Line. The book was nominated for a 2011 Locus Award.



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