The Toplofty Lord Thorpe

Roman von Kasey Michaels


The Earl's Undoing

A plot to bring about the ruination of Julian Rutherford, Earl of Thorpe, had been hatched by some diabolical mind. Clearly, the force behind this scandal had no idea that Julian's greatest champion was Miss Lucy Gladwin, an outrageous imp desperate to gain the Earl's affections. Now, with no one of any reputable note daring to give Lord Thorpe the time of day, Lucy finally had Julian all to herself. Though she was out to help the Earl clear his name, she also had her own agenda -- to make his name her own! And she would stop at nothing to show her beloved Lord Thorpe that even as the waged war on almost every front, they could find a happy cease-fire through a true meeting of bodies . . . and souls.

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