Warrior Cats 01. In die Wildnis
Roman, Fantasy von Erin Hunter
Sammy, der Hauskater, träumt von Freiheit und Abenteuer. Eines Tages bricht er aus und schliesst sich dem Donner-Clan an, einem der 4 Katzen-Clans, die sich den nahe gelegenen Wald teilen. Sammy wird zum Krieger ausgebildet und erhält den Namen äFeuerpfoteä. Ab 11.
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Read the fifth book of this series and was completely hooked. I now own very nearly every book set in this universe!
Agreed. This book is a great start into a fantastic long-running series.
It's about cats... in a forest, features bloody battles, catching prey to survive, and cats. This is the first book of the first series, I really got into, I would recommend it if you like those things, but mostly just cats. Also has secret love affairs based around a law system by cats, which is a plus.
This book is a great starter to the series. Warriors is a great book about warrior cats, who live in a forest. There are four different clans of cats, who all live in different parts of the forest. There are battles, hunts, intrigue and romance. I recommend it to those who love cats and have a little imagination.