Why Darwin Matters
Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design is a 2006 book by Michael Shermer, a historian of science. It argues that intelligent design is bad science, that different fields of science converge in supporting evolution, and that religion and science are not in conflict. As a former young Earth creationist, Shermer explores the beliefs and critiques the claims behind it.Christopher Hitchens commented on the book, "With his forensic and polemical skill, he could have left them for dead: instead he generously urges them to stop wasting their time and do some real work." Steven Pinker wrote it is "A readable and well-researched book on what is perhaps the most vital scientific topic of our age. Anyone who has been snowed into thinking that there is a real scientific controversy over evolution by natural selection will be enlightened by Why Darwin Matters, which is both genial and intellectually uncompromising." Robert Lee Hotz, for the Los Angeles Times explained "None writes so fiercely in defense of evolution as Shermer...
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