Kompas Emas adalah buku pertama trilogi His Dark Materials karya pengarang Inggris, Philip Pullman. Novel fantasi ini mengisahkan petulangan Lyra Belacqua dalam mencari teman-temannya yang hilang, ayahnya yang dipenjara, Lord Asriel, yang melakukan eksperimen terhadap materi misterius bernama Debu. Edisi Inggris buku ini berjudul Northern Lights, sedangkan di Amerika Utara diganti dengan The Golden Compass. Pemenang Carnegie Medal 1996, novel ini telah diadaptasi menjadi film Hollywood berjudul The Golden Compass. Di Indonesia, Kompas Emas diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama pada November 2007. Baik novel maupun filmnya mendapatkan kritik keras mengenai penulisan negatif novel ini terhadap institusi agama dan agama secara umum.
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OK prose, but terrible plotting and characters. So many of the ostensibly critical characters (in the world) are either deus ex machina for some specific threat the characters are facing, or blatant ego-stroking for the completely self centered mains. The story is written in third person, but from such a skewed perspective and rationale that it sometimes seems it's a mythical tale told after the fact by the mains about themselves. Besides this, some of the morality is just bizarre and inconsistent. The Church is self-evidently evil because they're subtly censoring scientific institutions (which is only demonstrated once in the whole series) and they sponsor a creepy, child-exploiting antagonist. Fair enough. But the main character sees the distant messiah (her father) kill her best friend for a remarkably similar "scientific" purpose, then he time travels and starts amassing a secret army, and she STILL sees him as a hero. WTF is going on in this story? The whole thing is riddled with motivated reasoning. "We're good, so the insane things we're doing are good." A truly disturbing book if the heroes were not written ironically. Every major event and decision screams #raisedbynarcissists.
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A very creative and funny adventure in an alternate universe with a lovely character named Lyra. The author successfully creates a fantasy in a universe where reality is very distinct from ours. The tone of mistery is balanced with action and intrigue and very amazing characters and their "deamons". This book has the correct pace to display the events in the storyline, not being too fast, not too slow! A real accomplishment!
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A very creative and funny adventure in an alternate universe with a lovely character named Lyra.
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Loved it
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One of the best young adult fantasy series I've read. Even though it's aimed at kids, I think adults can get something out of it too.
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