Pisau Gaib
Pisau Gaib merupakan buku kedua trilogi His Dark Materials karya pengarang Inggris, Philip Pullman. Novel ini melanjutkan kisah petualangan Lyra Belacqua dan dæmonnya, Pantalaimon, dalam meneliti partikel Debu. Di novel ini diperkenalkan tokoh baru, William Parry, yang menjadi teman seperjalanan Lyra, dan bersama-sama mereka menjelajahi dunia paralel.Novel ini lebih fokus kepada masing-masing karakter yang ada serta plot individual mereka, tidak seperti buku pertama yang lebih fokus pada usaha ayah Lyra, Lord Asriel, dalam menaklukkan Magisterium. Tidak hanya petualangan Lyra, kisah ini juga berfokus pada petualangan Serafina Pekkala dan Lee Scoresby. Pullman juga menuliskan penjabaran tentang Materi gelap, untuk menunjang saga metafisikalnya.
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OK prose, but terrible plotting and characters. So many of the ostensibly critical characters (in the world) are either deus ex machina for some specific threat the characters are facing, or blatant ego-stroking for the completely self centered mains. The story is written in third person, but from such a skewed perspective and rationale that it sometimes seems it's a mythical tale told after the fact by the mains about themselves. Besides this, some of the morality is just bizarre and inconsistent. The Church is self-evidently evil because they're subtly censoring scientific institutions (which is only demonstrated once in the whole series) and they sponsor a creepy, child-exploiting antagonist. Fair enough. But the main character sees the distant messiah (her father) kill her best friend for a remarkably similar "scientific" purpose, then he time travels and starts amassing a secret army, and she STILL sees him as a hero. WTF is going on in this story? The whole thing is riddled with motivated reasoning. "We're good, so the insane things we're doing are good." A truly disturbing book if the heroes were not written ironically. Every major event and decision screams #raisedbynarcissists.
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