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Humour by Bradley Trevor Greive


  It's an age-old question that has stumped the great minds of history: What is the meaning of life? In his hilarious and uplifting style, best-selling author Bradley Trevor Greive finally provides the answer: Figure out what you love and do it.

  Illustrated with playful photographs of animals, BTG's insightful prose again hits his target straight on. He muses about why we're here and our greater purpose in the grand scheme of things. His informal style provides a refreshing counterpoint to what has always been one of life's big debates. For example, when it comes to discovering your passion, BTG writes, "First, no one else will tell you about it—it's just like walking around all day with a sign on your back that says KICK ME."

The Meaning of Life is a witty, thought-provoking book that makes an ideal gift for anyone who's seeking their true purpose—and wants to laugh along the way.

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