Peikonsurma : Gotrek ja Felix
Trollslayer, a novel written by William King, is the first in a series of twelve books following the adventures of Gotrek and Felix, in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. The book is written in an episodic format, with each chapter featuring a different adventure with different supporting characters and different villains. It shows the background for many important things in Felix's reminiscing in other stories, such as his first encounter with Chaos and his first great love, not to mention where he got his magical sword.The material in Trollslayer was first released under that title in 1999 and a second edition was released in 2003. It was also included in a volume with the second and third in the series, titled Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus, released in 2006. A free ebook edition was made available on the Black Library website in October 2010. Trollslayer was also republished in 2013 as part of the Black Library Classics series.
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