A Glorious Way to Die: The Kamikaze Mission of the Battleship Yamato, April 1945

por Russell Spurr


A Glorious Way to Die: The Kamikaze Mission of the Battleship Yamato, April 1945 is a 1981 military history book by Russell Spurr about the suicide mission of the Japanese battleship Yamato against the American Pacific Fleet during the Battle of Okinawa near the end of World War II. Yamato was the largest battleship in the world, and Japan sacrificed her in a final, desperate attempt to halt the Allied advance on the Japanese archipelago. The book was published in 1981 in the United States by Newmarket Press, and in the United Kingdom by Sidgwick & Jackson.
Spurr, a British journalist and editor of the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review, interviewed Japanese and Americans involved with Yamato‍ '​s last mission, and drew on Japanese naval documents and records to write the book. He tells the story from both the Japanese and American points of view.
A Glorious Way to Die was generally well received by critics and historians.

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