Corporate Memory: Strategies For Knowledge Management

por Annie Brooking


Knowledge is a corporate asset which needs to be identified, guarded and shared. Corporate Memory: Strategies for Knowledge Management shows the innovative manager how to explore its company's intangible asset, identify knowledge within his organization culture and look towards knowledge sharing. This book will help you: identify whether your company is a 'knowledge-based company'; understand the context for knowledge management within your organization; determine the culture of your organization and determine to what extent it will support knowledge sharing; understand the ways your company generates knowledge, thus determining whether you are using it to its potential or losing it; survey, elicit and capture knowledge; design and mount a campaign to identify critical knowledge functions; design a collaborative knowledge generating venture; put together an action plan to build the right infrastructure to support knowledge sharing in your organization. Intellectual Capital Series: Intellectual Capital: Core Assets for the Third Millennium Enterprise; Dream Ticket: Corporate Strategy with Intellectual Capital; Corporate Memory: Strategies for Knowledge Management; Invisible Strength: Building Corporate Infrastructure That Work

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