_________________ 'This homage to P.G. Wodehouse is so good ... a masterpiece in every sense' Mail 'Splendid stuff' Sunday Times The Drones club's in peril. Gussie's in love. Spode's on the warpath. And His Majesty's Government needs a favour. Thank goodness Bertie Wooster's back! From the mean streets of Mayfair to the scheming spires of Cambridge, get ready to meet a joyous cast of characters: chiselling painters and criminal bookies, eccentric philosophers and dodgy clairvoyantes, appalling poets and pocket dictators, vexatious aunts and their vicious hounds. Have we ever needed Jeeves and Wooster more? _________________ 'Peerless in its wit, elegance and silliness' Evening Standard BOOKS OF THE YEAR on Jeeves and the King of Clubs 'A tonic for these testing times' Eithne Farry, Sunday Express 'Very stylish, clever and funny' Gyles Brandreth 'A brilliant homage' Choice Magazine, New Year Reads
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