The kin of Ata are waiting for you = formerly published as The comforter

Ciencia ficción por Dorothy Bryant


The Kin of Ata are Waiting for You is the second novel by Dorothy Bryant. It deals with the idea of how the negation of dreams as a guide to life affects the real world. Author Alice Walker has described it as "one of my favorite books in all the world".
The book has been cited in a number of academic articles and text-books in the fields of philosophy, psychology, and law.
The book was first published as a novella by Evan Press in 1971, under the title The Comforter: A Mystical Fantasy. Although it was initially rejected by major publishing houses, despite the success of the author's first novel, its publication led to the inception of Bryant's private publishing business, the Ata Press. Kin was subsequently picked up for publication by Random House, a major publisher, and has remained in print for over 30 years. The novel has a cult following among feminists, psychologists, and teachers of religious studies.

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