Tramping in Skye

por B. H. Humble


'Here is a book that will delight lovers of the Misty Isle. In its pages B. H. Humble tells not only of the charm of Skye as a holiday centre for trampers and climbers, but also of the folk-lore and legend that add so much to the island's mystery and magic. The book should be in the haversack of all those who intend visiting Skye, and to those who are already familiar with the island it will bring back many happy memories' - from first edition, Grant and Murray 1933. First published in 1933, B. H. Humble's exploration of Skye is a fascinating and funny account of a young man's travels in a landscape still largely unknown to the climbing community at the time of writing. This new edition by Pocket Mountains brings back to life a classic text which will enrich any visit to Skye.

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