Zillow Talk: Rewriting the Rules of Real Estate

por Spencer Rascoff, Stan Humphries


"What's the best way to spot the next best neighborhood? Is spring or the dead of winter the best time to put your home on the market? Do street names affect price (Swamp Road vs. Gingerbread Lane)? These are the type of real estate truisms that we all think we know the answers to, but we don't. The rules of real estate have changed dramatically in the past five years, and the old rules no longer apply. Enter Zillow, the nation's #1 real estate web site with more than 37 million users each month. Thanks to a treasure trove of proprietary data and a quirky chief economist in Stan Humphries, Zillow is able to spot the trends and truths of today's housing market. The book will explain the science behind the trends in a lively, dinner-party worthy style, so readers will come away enlightened, entertained and clutching real news-they-can use"--

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