Il sospetto

by Friedrich Dürrenmatt


Police chief inspector Baerlach has just undergone surgery when his friend and doctor, Hugentobler, thinks he recognizes one of his own colleagues on a LIFE Magazine picture. The article is about Dr. Neyle, a nazi doctor who practiced surgery without anesthesia in the extermination camps. This Dr. Neyle could now be the eminent owner of a private clinic for wealthy people in Zurich, Switzerland. Baerlach convinces his friend to transfer him in that clinic under a false name. How will Baerlach, who is still too weak to leave his bed, be able to unmask the evil doctor?

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Während eines Krankenhausaufenthaltes schöpft Kommisar Bärlach von der Berner Kantonspolizei den Verdacht, daß ein angesehener Züricher Arzt eine berüchtigte Rolle während des 3. Reichs gespielt hat. Vom Krankenbett aus verfolgt er unbeirrbar die Spur seiner Vermutungen.

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