Sfida alla Nuova Repubblica

Science Fiction by Timothy Zahn


Sfida alla Nuova Repubblica, noto anche come Guerre stellari. Sfida alla nuova repubblica, edito nel 1992 e uscito in Italia nel 1994, è il secondo romanzo della Trilogia di Thrawn, scritta da Timothy Zahn e ambientata nell'Universo espanso di Guerre stellari, cinque anni dopo Il ritorno dello Jedi, nel Periodo della Nuova Repubblica.

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While introduced in the previous book, this was the birth of one of Star Wars most iconic villain's; Grand Admiral Thrawn.

0 Responses posted in October


Zahn did it again, with the second in the Thrawn trilogy! Again, what can be said for this? The original characters are captured perfectly; while reading, I read it in their voices and inflections, without ever feeling it was forced. Thrawn is well written, Pellaeon is fantastic, Karrde and Mara Jade are awesome! What more could be asked for?

0 Responses posted in February
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