A new novel by the author of The Black Pill (4.3/5 Stars 28 Reviews) Presumed Guilty (4.6/5 Stars 17 Reviews) Jealousy and obsession. Unrequited love and unbridled lust. Deceit, betrayal and revenge. Sometimes the only way to ensure justice is served is to frame the guilty party for a crime they didn't commit. Nothing is more humiliating than to watch somebody get away with murder, especially when the victim was the only woman you ever truly loved. Perhaps Christian never deserved the love of such a captivating beauty. Perhaps she had always been out of his league. He could have understood if she had left him for some celebrity or blue-blooded aristocrat, but not for a sleazy fetish photographer with a reputation for molesting impressionable models of both genders. When she disappeared under mysterious circumstances, he knew in his heart the culprit could only have been the bastard who had stolen her affections. But the police treated the jerk as if he had diplomatic immunity and immediately focused their attention instead on Christian.
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