
fiction by Anne Fine


Goggle-Eyes, or My War with Goggle-Eyes in the U.S., is a children's novel by Anne Fine, published by Hamilton in 1989. It features a girl who hates her mother's boyfriend, she thinks. In the frame story, set in a Scotland day school, that girl Kitty tells her friend Helen about hating her mother's boyfriend.
Fine won the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising the year's best children's book by a British subject, She also won the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize, a similar award that authors may not win twice. Six books have won both awards in 45 years through 2011.
Goggle-Eyes was adapted for television by the BBC in 1993.
Little, Brown published a U.S. edition under its Joy Street Books imprint in 1989, entitled My War with Goggle-Eyes.

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