Nos étoiles contraires
Nos étoiles contraires est un roman pour jeunes adultes de l'écrivain américain John Green édité en janvier 2012 par Dutton Books. Il a été édité en 2013 par Nathan Jeunesse en français.Le titre original est tiré de l'acte I, scène 2 de la pièce de Shakespeare, Jules César, où Cassius dit à Brutus :
Le roman a connu un grand succès public et critique, figurant pendant 7 semaines consécutives en tête de la New York Times Best Seller list. Il a fait l'objet d'une adaptation cinématographique en 2014, avec Shailene Woodley et Ansel Elgort dans les rôles principaux de Hazel Grace Lancaster et Augustus Waters.
Member Reviews Write your own review
Predictable story
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All I'm going to say is: I cried
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Entrega o que promete.
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I love it
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Não gostei muito...
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É impossível ler este livro e não se emocionar com o amor juvenil e a invencível luta contra o câncer. Essa é de longe, a melhor obra escrita por John Green. Difícil conter as lágrimas.
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its amazing
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La mejpr historia
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Griffig erzählt, teilweise sarkastischer Humor. Doch die Geschichte wirkt dann sehr konstruiert.
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How can I say this. John Green is a great writer. The story is sad and touching. I cried. Of couse I cried, Im not made of stone. I just didn't feel this book, like I was surpose to, I guess. Maybe it hit home to much and I made different experiences. Maybe I was jealous, because I don't always know what to say and don't always have a witty answer at hand. Maybe Im to old, to really get this characters. Or maybe it was just all a little to much. A little too tragic, a little too sad, a little too sweet. I don't know. And I kind of feel bad, for not liking it more..
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