Os Versículos Satânicos
The Satanic Verses é uma obra literária do escritor britânico de origem indiana Salman Rushdie, editada em 1989.O enredo desenvolve-se na Índia e na Inglaterra e o título refere-se a alguns versos do Corão, conhecidos por versículos Gharanigh. O livro conta as aventuras de dois indianos muçulmanos que sobreviveram a um atentado a bomba de separatistas sikh em um avião. Após a queda, na Inglaterra, um deles, Saladim Chamcha, desenvolve chifres, cascos e um rabo. O outro, Gibreel Farishta, cria um halo e sonha em conhecer o profeta Mahound.
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It is very hard to follow if you are not familiar with Hindu culture and if the translator was to lazy to look stuff up (like in Serbian) it is even worse. e.g. The translator would need to know who a gopi was in order to know that gopis was plural; if you were was to understand the character who "hung her hat shameless on a Chola Natraj", and other characters' perception of her, you would need to know Chola Natraj was a depiction of Vishnu made during Chola dynasty... I had to stop reading every time and look these things up (and I have nonstop internet, in 1988 people did not) - it feels like research for a college paper. There would be 5 references, one after another, in as many sentences.
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