Waar is het fout gegaan
"Me peame rääkima Kevinist" on ameerika naiskirjaniku Lionel Shriveri 2003. aastal ilmunud romaan. Teose avaldas kirjastus Serpent's Tail. Eesti keeles ilmus "Me peame rääkima Kevinist" 2008. aastal Triin Taela tõlkes. Raamatu avaldas kirjastus Varrak.Teos keskendub Eva Khatchadouriani ja tema poja Kevini suhetele Kevini toime pandud koolitulistamise valguses. Raamat on kirjutatud esimeses isikus ja ehitatud üles kirjadena Evalt oma abikaasale.
"Me peame rääkima Kevinist" on Shriveri seitsmes romaan. 2005. aastal võitis Shriver selle teosega auhinna Orange Prize, millega autasustatakse inglise keeles kirjutavaid naiskirjanikke. 2011. aastal lavastas Lynne Ramsay romaani alusel samanimelise filmi.
Member Reviews Write your own review
This was by far the deepest book I ever read. I don't remember ever feeling so anxious, sad, angry and many other ways in different parts of a book. The characters are so complex and we can have a very close look into their thoughts, which is frightening, because they reveal that all of us have feelings and thoughts that are not pretty and that we do not how to deal with them. And it is amazing how Lionel Shriver managed to give pieces of information little by little, making me feel differently about each character in the course of the book.
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Very disturbing and well written, although I disliked the first-person narrative. I understand that it was important/vital to the plot to unfold the way it does, but I hated being stuck inside that character's head.
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Heartbreaking, thought-provoking - both one of the best and worst books I've ever read for its examination of motherhood and family life.
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