"Romeo ja Julia" on William Shakespeare'i näidend. Arvatakse, et seda etendati esimest korda aastal 1595.

"Hamlet" on William Shakespeare'i näidend, mille peategelaseks on Taani prints Hamlet, kes haub kättemaksu oma onule, kes on tõusnud troonile, mõrvates oma venna, st Hamleti isa. Näidend on kirjutatud arvatavasti ajavahemikus 1599–1601. Loo esmaseks allikaks on peetud 12. sajandi Taani legendi, millest on ka …

"Macbeth" on William Shakespeare'i näidend. See arvatakse olevat kirjutatud ajavahemikul 1603–1607, tavaliselt dateeritakse see aastasse 1606. Esimesed teated selle etendamisest pärinevad 1611. aastast.

"Othello" ehk "The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice" on William Shakespeare'i tragöödia, mille oletatav kirjutamisaeg on 1604. See jääb kirjanduslukku klassikalise armukadedustragöödiana, ent konflikt ei sünni selles puhtisiklikult pinnalt, vaid saab olulisi varjundeid renessansiajastu rassistlikest …

"Kuningas Lear" on William Shakespeare'i tragöödia, mis on arvatavasti kirjutatud ajavahemikus 1603–1606. Seda peetakse Shakespeare'i suurimaks teoseks.

This joyous play, the last comedy of Shakespeare's career, sums up his stagecraft with a display of seemingly effortless skill. Prospero, exiled Duke of Milan, living on an enchanted island, has the opportunity to punish and forgive his enemies when he raises a tempest that drives them ashore--as well as to forestall …

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar follows the lauded Shakespearian tradition of blending story and history in a gripping drama. Like many of Shakespeare's works, the heart of this masterpiece lies in the broad political themes employed to speak comment on life and patriotism in Shakespeare's England. As a …

The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in 16th-century Venice must default on a large loan provided by an abused Jewish moneylender. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599. Though classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects with …

Much Ado About Nothing is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. The play was included in the First Folio, published in 1623. Much Ado About Nothing is generally considered one of Shakespeare's best comedies, because …