《萌芽》,法国作家左拉的《卢贡-马卡尔家族》系列长篇小说的第十三部作品,1884年11月26日,《萌芽》在《吉尔·布拉斯报》上连载,1885年在法国第一次发行单行本,是第一部描写矿工的“社会史”小说。 …

娜娜,是法国写实主义作家左拉的《卢贡-马卡尔家族》系列作品的第九部。1877年《卢贡—马加尔家族》的第七部小说《小酒店》问世,轰动全巴黎,使左拉一举成名,这时他已经开始在构思娜娜的角色。1878年左拉完成《卢贡·马加尔家族》的第八部小说《爱情的一页》,但事后证明销路不佳。于是左拉写信给出版商说:“这一损失,我们要从《娜娜》拿回来,我的想像中了不起的作品《娜娜》。” …

Au Bonheur des Dames is the eleventh novel in the Rougon-Macquart series by Émile Zola. It was first serialized in the periodical Gil Blas and published in novel form by Charpentier in 1883. The novel is set in the world of the department store, an innovative development in mid-nineteenth century retail sales. Zola …

《人面兽心》,又译衣冠禽兽,是法国写实主义作家左拉的《卢贡-马卡尔家族》系列第十七部作品,发表于1890年,描写法国西方铁路员工的生活。主人翁铁路工人雅克·朗蒂埃因自己的父祖辈酗酒,在他血管中流淌著是腐烂的血,他老是怀疑自己患有遗传性的精神病,总是精神恍惚,做出一些奇怪的事。一次偶然的旅途中,侯保在火车上杀了妻子萨维丽娜的情人——教父,在返回自己车箱的途中,正巧被朗蒂埃撞见。但在案发后警察着手调查时,朗蒂埃隐瞒了这件事,并且一再为他们开脱,使得侯保夫妇有不在场证明。侯保夫妇和他成为了朋友,朗蒂埃更爱上了萨维丽娜。后来,朗蒂埃和侯保妻子的关系越来越密切,萨维丽娜要他杀了侯保以证明他是爱她的,朗蒂埃却不敢下手,萨维丽娜决定疏远他。朗蒂埃 …

Pot-Bouille is the tenth novel in the Rougon-Macquart series by Émile Zola. It was serialized between January and April 1882 in the periodical Le Gaulois before being published in book form by Charpentier in 1883. The novel is an indictment of the mores of the bourgeoisie of the Second French Empire. It is set in a …

La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret is the fifth novel in Émile Zola's twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. Viciously anticlerical in tone, it follows on from the horrific events at the end of La Conquête de Plassans, focussing this time on a remote Provençal backwater village. Unusually for Zola, the novel contains very …

Une page d'amour is the eighth novel in the Rougon-Macquart series by Émile Zola, set among the petite bourgeoisie in Second Empire suburban Paris. It was first serialized between December 11, 1877, and April 4, 1878, in Le Bien public, before being published in novel form by Charpentier in April 1878. The central …

La joie de vivre is the twelfth novel in the Rougon-Macquart series by Émile Zola. It was serialized in the periodical Gil Blas in 1883 before being published in book form by Charpentier in February 1884. It was translated into English by Ernest A. Vizetelly as How Jolly Life Is! in 1888 and by Jean Stewart as Zest …