Popina Book of Baking

von Isidora Popovic


Popina thrives on producing handmade, organic, additive-free sweet and savory bakes using the finest seasonal ingredients. A small team of chefs, including a former pastry chef from Le Caprice, bake their products from scratch every day. The Popina Book of Baking is a unique opportunity to make their best-loved treats in your own home. Chapters include Cookies, Biscotti & Bites, Sweet Tarts & Pies, Cakes & Muffins, Savory Straws & Bites, and Savory Tarts. There are easy, no-fuss recipes for the novice baker and seasoned cook alike, from Ginger and caramelized chile cookies and Carrot cake, to Fennel and zucchini tart and Parmesan and seed crackers.

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