Seeds of the Soul

von Maiya Gray-Cobb


This book is a sequel to Angels - The Guardians of Your Destiny in which you can experience further transmutation of consciousness. This book continues the journey of the Soul as it searches for freedom and liberation from its earthly bondage, seeking the Oneness and light from which it originally came. The Soul is your inner awareness. It is a self-aware ethereal substance, a ball of light, yet it retains knowledge of the experiences of all of its mundane lifetimes. At the death of the physical body (its temple), it carries these memories with it. Despite being an ethereal substance, the Soul still has a sort of physical body, like the layers of onion skins, but not as dense as the ones we inhabit. Nevertheless, it still has these layers. Everything has a sheath and the seeds of experiences are contained within these sheaths. Searching within and continuing the spiritual climb gradually shucks off these layers. Many books have been written on Souls, Soul energy, Soul mates, twin Souls, each with its own interpretation of the author s experience. We can find out for ourselves what this Soul business is all about and reach our own conclusions of what is or isn t. Throughout the pages of this book, you will move step by step investigating the many aspects within yourself which opens the window of the viewing room to your Soul. As you gaze through this window of Light, you will be able to make your own decision of what a Soul really is and what purpose it serves for you.

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