The Lost Art of House Cleaning: A Clean House is a Happy Home
Just as my cover states, I can teach you to clean your whole house and everything in it using a simple methodology and just 3 inexpensive, readily available products. (P.S. this is the same book as the original The Lost Art of House Cleaning, just with a new cover.)
I have owned a residential cleaning company since 2004 and we have cleaned thousands of houses during that time using my method and these 3 products. That’s all you’ll need too!
My cleaning method, “The Path” is simple and can be mastered in no time at all. This book actually started life as my employee’s training manual.
The average household is spending hundreds of dollars a year on cleaning products. I’m sure if you look under your sinks and in you cleaning supply closet you’ll agree. These 3 products should cost you about $20 a year.
- first part of the book teaches how to deep clean your house, Big Job, then I go into maintenance. methodology is the same for both jobs the only difference is the depth of the job. In the back of the book is the Nitty Gritty, which gives detailed instructions on cleaning specific items in your house.
Also, visit my website: for demonstration videos and blogs.
In the 7 years that this book has been available I have had hundreds of emails from people all over the world thanking me for teaching them how to clean simply and inexpensively.
Buy my book and Enjoy the Clean!
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