The most popular books in English
from 34401 to 34600
What books are currently the most popular and which are the all time classics? Here we present you with a mixture of those two criteria. We update this list once a month.

Andre Gorz
André Gorz’s earlier books—from Ecology as Politics to Farewell to the Working Class and Paths to Paradise—have informed and inspired the most radical currents in Green movements in Europe and America over the last two decades. In Critique of Economic Reason, he offers his …

George Steiner
Three outstanding stories on the theme of war. The three stories bundled in this book are tales about war and love, about “memories keeping their cancerous hold.”

Victor Hugo
'Lucrezia Borgia' is a drama by Victor Hugo. The French writer finished it in 1833. The historical work portrays the Renaissance-era Italian aristocrat Lucrezia Borgia. The libretto of Donizetti’s opera ‘Lucrezia Borgia’ was based on Hugo's play.

Pierre Seel
I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual: A Memoir of Nazi Terror is a book written by Pierre Seel.

Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark’s award-winning adaptation of Albert Lamorisse’s Fifties French film, The Red Balloon, follows the adventures of a lonely Parisian boy and a stray balloon which befriends him. It enjoyed a successful run at the National Theatre in 1996.

George Sand
Consuelo is a novel by George Sand, first published serially in 1842-1843 in La Revue indépendante, a periodical founded in 1841 by Sand, Pierre Leroux and Louis Viardot. According to the Nuttall Encyclopædia, it is "[Sand's] masterpiece; the impersonation of the triumph of …

Michel Serres
A meditatation on the nature of education and the necessity of cross-disciplinarity

Joris-Karl Huysmans
The Cathedral is a novel by the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans. A revised English edition was published in 2011. It is the third of Huysmans' books to feature the character Durtal, a thinly disguised portrait of the author. He had already featured the character of Durtal in …

Victor Hugo
Bug-Jargal is a novel by the French writer Victor Hugo. First published in 1826, it is a reworked version of an earlier short story of the same name published in the Hugo brothers' magazine Le Conservateur littéraire in 1820. The novel follows a friendship between the enslaved …

Jules Verne
Family Without a Name is an 1889 adventure novel by Jules Verne about the life of a family in Lower Canada during the Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 and 1838 that sought an independent and democratic republic for Lower Canada. In the book, the two sons of a traitor fight in the …

Jean-Paul Sartre
Critique of Dialectical Reason is a 1960 book by Jean-Paul Sartre in which he further develops the existentialist Marxism he first expounded in his essay Search for a Method. Critique of Dialectical Reason and Search for a Method were written as a common manuscript, with Sartre …

Jules Verne
The Purchase of the North Pole or Topsy-Turvy is an adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1889. It is the third and last novel of the Baltimore Gun Club, first appearing in From the Earth to the Moon, and later in Around the Moon, featuring the same characters but set …

Elke Heidenreich
Sprightly rhymed couplets tell this lengthy surreal tale of the nattily dressed penguins who joyfully welcome the Opera Ship from Old Vienna to the South Pole. And who should be onboard but the legendary Three Tenors! The excited, already properly attired audience includes …

Pierre Lemaitre
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT HER IS WRONG In kidnapping cases, the first few hours are crucial. After that, the chances of being found alive go from slim to nearly none. Alex Prévost - beautiful, resourceful, tough - may be no ordinary victim, but her time is running out. …